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Am forwarding this to the three managers in my organization 😊

And omg, that New Yorker cartoon -- SO TRUE. One of the things I love about my boss (it's a long list, actually) is that he doesn't believe in meetings. He and I talk casually all the time, like, "Hey, do you have a few minutes to chat?," and then we sit in our café with beverages and discuss, but we only have a real, scheduled meeting, with other people, maybe once a month. It's wildly refreshing (coming from a previous place of employment where I spent six hours a day in meetings and was frantic about getting my work done most of the time, especially since many of those meetings created even MORE work than what I wasn't getting done already) and I've never been happier. Not saying meetings aren't ever effective, but as a tool, they're so badly over-used.

Do not even get me started on agenda-less meetings 🤬

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