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When I had my first daughter (while working for the organization that still employs me, eight years later), I made a promise to myself that I would never apologize for being a parent, needing to parent, or anything else that came up at work related to my parenthood. I have kept that promise. I don't say sorry when I leave early because my 2nd grader has an orthodontist appointment (nor do I check in online when I am gone and with her). I don't say sorry when my 5yo needs to be picked up from daycare because she is running a fever (nor do I check in online later, when I've gotten her home and settled). I realized from the beginning that even though I work for an amazing org, I needed to train people on what to expect, and if I started apologizing, it would seem there was something to apologize *for,* and then they'd come to expect that. I realize I'm lucky in many ways, and that this is an incredibly difficult topic, but I also think we as parents have some responsibility in this dynamic.

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